Peru Health Certificate Guide: Steps, Requirements, and Providers

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What is it?

A health certificate in Peru is a document that attests to an individual’s physical and mental health condition. This certificate is often required for various purposes such as employment, marriage, travel, or immigration. It ensures that the individual meets specific health standards and is free from contagious diseases.

Who needs it?

This service is essential for individuals planning to work, marry, travel, or immigrate within Peru or to another country. It is particularly important for expatriates, travelers with pets, and individuals seeking medical leave or other official health-related documentation.


  1. Visit a certified medical center or hospital in Peru.
  2. Undergo a physical examination conducted by a licensed medical practitioner.
  3. Complete any necessary laboratory tests as prescribed by your healthcare provider.
  4. Obtain the required signatures and stamps from the medical professionals.
  5. Ensure the certificate is duly translated if necessary.
  6. Submit the health certificate to the relevant authorities or institution requesting it.

Required documents

  • Passport or national ID - Obtain from your respective government authority.
  • Proof of residence - Utility bill, rental agreement, or bank statement.
  • Medical records - Past health records and vaccination history.
  • Application form - Obtainable from the medical center or relevant authority.

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • Ensure the medical center is authorized by the Peruvian Ministry of Health.
  • Health certificates for pets traveling to Peru must meet USDA endorsement requirements.
  • The process may take a few days, so plan accordingly to avoid last-minute issues.
  • For international use, consider legalization or apostille of the certificate.
  • Check if translation into another language is necessary for acceptance by foreign authorities.


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