Change Your Legal Name in Peru - Step-by-Step Guide

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What is it?

Changing your name in Peru is a legal process that allows individuals to officially alter their name in all personal and governmental records. This process involves submitting various documents to the relevant authorities and following specific legal procedures to ensure your new name is recognized across all platforms.

Who needs it?

This service is ideal for individuals who need a name change due to personal preference, marital status changes, legal reasons, correction of errors in official documents, or any other personal circumstance that necessitates a name modification. It is particularly useful for residents and citizens of Peru who wish to ensure that their name change is officially recognized by all institutions.


  1. Visit the nearest RENIEC (Registro Nacional de Identificación y Estado Civil) office.
  2. Obtain the name change application form and fill it out accurately.
  3. Gather all required documents, including your original birth certificate, identification documents, and any legal proof for the need to change your name.
  4. Submit the application form along with the required documents to the RENIEC office.
  5. Pay the applicable fee for processing your name change request.
  6. Wait for the verification and approval process, which includes a review period where the authorities verify the legitimacy of the name change request.
  7. Once approved, update all personal records such as bank accounts, social security, and other governmental or business records with your new name.

Required documents

  • Original Birth Certificate: Obtain it from the civil registry where you were born.
  • Identification Documents: Provide your National ID (DNI) and any other relevant IDs.
  • Proof of Legal Need: Submit any document that supports the reason for your name change, such as a marriage certificate, divorce decree, or legal affidavit.
  • Application Form: Available at the RENIEC office or their official website.

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • Processing Time: The name change process can take several weeks to several months, depending on the case.
  • Cost: Fees vary based on the specific circumstances and documentation required.
  • Legal Assistance: It is advisable to seek legal counsel to ensure all steps are followed correctly.
  • Updating Records: Make a checklist of all the places where you need to update your name once the change is officially recognized.


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