How to Obtain a Residence Certificate in Peru: Step-by-Step Guide

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What is it?

A Residence Certificate in Peru is an official document proving your legal residency status in the country. It is essential for various legal and administrative processes, including registering at local banks, signing rental agreements, and applying for utilities.

Who needs it?

This service is ideal for expats, long-term tourists, and immigrants who plan to stay in Peru for an extended period. It is also valuable for those needing to establish proof of residency for official purposes, such as work, education, or permanent relocation.


  1. Visit the local municipal office where you reside.
  2. Fill out the application form for a Residence Certificate.
  3. Submit the required documents, which include valid identification, proof of address, and potentially a criminal background check.
  4. Pay the applicable fees for processing the certificate.
  5. Wait for the processing period, which can vary but generally takes a few days.
  6. Collect the Residence Certificate from the municipal office once notified.

Required documents

  • Valid Passport: Must be current and not expired.
  • Proof of Address: Utility bill, lease agreement, or similar document.
  • Application Form: Provided by the municipal office.
  • Criminal Background Check: Might be required; check with local authorities on how to obtain this.

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • Processing times can vary, so it’s recommended to apply well in advance of any deadlines.
  • Some municipalities offer online application options, check their official websites for more details.
  • Fees vary by municipality; ensure to have local currency ready to pay the application fees.


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