Guide to Obtaining a RUC for Businesses and Freelancers in Peru

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What is it?

RUC (Registro Único de Contribuyentes) is a unique tax identification number required for businesses and freelancers to operate legally in Peru. Obtaining a RUC allows you to issue invoices, formalize your business activities, and comply with tax regulations. This process is essential for anyone looking to run a legal and recognized business in Peru.

Who needs it?

The RUC registration process is ideal for: Freelancers offering professional services, Entrepreneurs starting a new business, Small and medium-sized business owners, Foreign nationals aiming to operate a business legally in Peru, Anyone needing to issue receipts for honorarium payments. By acquiring an RUC, these individuals can ensure compliance with Peruvian tax laws and operate without legal issues.


  1. Visit the official SUNAT website ( ).
  2. Click on ‘Obtener RUC’ and select the appropriate option for individual or business registration.
  3. Fill in the required personal and business information accurately.
  4. Schedule an appointment at a SUNAT office if necessary, or select online verification if available.
  5. Present the required documents at the SUNAT office or upload them online for verification.
  6. Receive your RUC certificate upon successful verification and approval.

Required documents

  • Valid passport or ID: Obtain from your local government office or embassy.
  • Proof of address: Utility bill or rental agreement.
  • Constitution of the company (if applicable): Obtain from a legal advisor or notary.
  • Business license (if applicable): Obtain from the municipal office relevant to your business location.

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • Having a RUC is mandatory for issuing receipts (Recibo por Honorarios) in Peru.
  • SUNAT offers an online platform for easier management of your tax obligations.
  • Regularly updating your RUC information is crucial to avoid penalties.
  • Freelancers must issue receipts for every professional service provided to comply with tax laws.


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