Step-by-Step Polish Citizenship Guide: Eligibility and Application

Table of Contents


What is it?

This guide provides a step-by-step process of how to apply and qualify for Polish citizenship either from within Poland or abroad.

Who needs it?

This guide is ideal for those who are eligible for Polish citizenship by descent or have earned it through other legal means and now want to apply for it.


  1. Determining eligibility: Check if you qualify for citizenship either by being a descendant of Polish citizens or have a right to it through other legal means like residency, etc.
  2. Documentation: Gather all the necessary documents that prove your eligibility.
  3. Application: Submit your application at the nearest Voivodship Office (Polish: Urząd Wojewódzki) if you’re in Poland or to the nearest Polish Embassy or Consulate if you’re abroad.
  4. Registration and Waiting: Once your application is approved, you need to wait for the processing which might take a few months.

Required Documents

  • Documents proving your identity like passport
  • Evidence of your connection to Polish ancestry if claiming citizenship by descent (like birth or marriage certificates, etc.)
  • Other specific documents depending on your pathway to citizenship

All documents should ideally be translated into Polish by a sworn translator. It’s advisable to consult a legal expert or service provider to make sure you have the complete set of documents.

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • The processing time for citizenship applications may vary, often taking a few months. Patience is therefore essential throughout this process.
  • If you’re in Poland, you may also apply for a PESEL number (Polish identity number) which can be useful for various bureaucratic tasks in the country.
  • Ensure the documentation proving your right to citizenship is comprehensive. It’s advisable to consult with an expert provider if needed.
  • In the case of citizenship by descent, even if your ancestors left Poland many generations ago, you might still be eligible. As long as the Polish citizenship of your ancestors can be established, you can apply.


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