Applying for Asylum in Poland: Steps and Requirements

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What is it?

An asylum application is the process someone undergoes to apply for refugee status or asylum in a foreign country. Specifically in Poland, they offer protections to individuals who are being persecuted in their home country for various reasons including race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion.

Who needs it?

Those who need to apply for asylum are individuals who are facing persecution or a well-founded fear of persecution in their current country of residence. For individuals who wish to move from Russia to Poland, applying for asylum could be an option if they are facing such circumstances.


  1. Arrive in Poland. You must be present in the country to apply for asylum.

  2. Apply for asylum by submitting an application to the Office for Foreigners. You can do this at the border, on the territory of the Republic of Poland, or at the airport.

  3. The application will be reviewed, which may include an interview with a Border Guard officer. The applicant will have to describe in detail the reasons for leaving their home country and why they cannot return.

  4. If the procedure has a positive conclusion, an asylum seeker will be granted with refugee status or subsidiary protection status.

More details about the process can be found here

Required Documents

You will need:

  • A completed asylum application form.
  • Identity documents (passport, ID card, other identification documents).
  • Proof of persecution or well-founded fear of persecution (this can include evidence of threats, discrimination, or violence).

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

While Poland is not traditionally the most sought after destination for asylum seekers, Poland’s membership in European Union potentially creates the environment for relocation to other EU countries eventually. However, please note that Poland adheres to a stricter immigration policy and they have a less welcoming stance towards asylum seekers compared to other EU countries. Remember that the legality of your stay will be determined by a court or another state body.


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