How to Change Your Registered Residence Address in Poland

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What is it?

The change of registered residence address is a procedure in which an individual changes their official residential address in the public registry in Poland. This process involves updating the individual’s PESEL number, which serves as a personal identification number for all residents in Poland.

Who needs it?

This procedure is required for anyone living in Poland who has recently moved and needs to update their official residential address in the public registry. This includes Polish nationals, foreign residents, and immigrants.


  1. Visit the local city hall or municipal office of the city you are moving to.
  2. Fill in a registration form, specifying your new address.
  3. Provide all the required documents (see the section below) and submit them along with the registration form.
  4. Wait for the verification process. During this time, the officials might visit your new place of residence to confirm the change of address.
  5. Once the verification is complete, you will receive confirmation that your address has been updated in the system.

Required Documents

  • Personal identification (ID card or passport)
  • Proof of the right to use the property (e.g., rental agreement, notarial deed, authorization from the owner)
  • PESEL number
  • Completed registration form

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • It’s necessary to complete this process each time you move.
  • Not updating your address can lead to inconveniences. For example, you might not receive important letters or notifications.
  • If you are moving within the same city, you may be able to update your address at the same municipal office where you originally registered.
  • The processing time can vary depending on the location and the workload of the municipal office staff.
  • Foreign residents need to register their address within 30 days of arrival in Poland. If you don’t register within this time, you may be fined.


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