Legal Surname Change Notification Process in Poland

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What is it?

The change of surname notification is the legal process through which an individual notifies the appropriate authorities of his/her decision to use a new surname.

Who needs it?

This service is needed by anyone who has legally changed their surname due to personal wish, marriage, divorce, or any other valid reason in Poland.


  1. Obtain a legal document to justify the name change. This could be a marriage certificate, divorce decree, or personal statement.

  2. Notify the local Polish office (Urząd gminy) about the change. This office is responsible for any legal changes linked to personal status, including change of surname.

  3. Update your ID card (Dowód osobisty). You can apply for a new card at the same Urząd gminy.

  4. Notify additional entities of the name change. Any bank accounts, subscriptions, memberships, or other services in your name will need to be updated.

Required Documents

  1. Legal document granting the name change
  2. Old ID card
  3. Completed application form for a new ID card

How to Obtain the Document: The legal document granting the name change can be provided by the legal entity effecting the change like a court in case of personal wish, or a civil State Registrar in case of marital status change.

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

The overall timeline can vary significantly depending on the reason for changing your surname. Bank and other private businesses have their own rules and procedures for processing name changes. In all cases, you could need to show documents that justify the name change, like a marriage certificate. Check with each one to find out what you need to do.


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