Guide to Exchanging a Foreign Driving License for a Polish One

Table of Contents


What is it?

A step by step guide on how to exchange a foreign driver’s license for a Polish one. Information is useful for both EU and non-EU license holders.

Who needs it?

Any foreigner moving to Poland who wishes to drive legally on Polish roads.


  1. Gather all necessary documents (detailed below). If your current driving license is not in English, consider getting a translation.
  2. Make an appointment with the local Civil Affairs office, responsible for driving license matters.
  3. During your appointment, you will be asked to submit the required documents, pay the fee, and have your picture taken.
  4. Depending on the office, you may receive your Polish license straight away, or it may be sent to your registered address.

Keep in mind that EU licenses are generally easier and faster to exchange than non-EU licenses.

Required Documents

  • Valid driving license
  • Proof of Polish residency (e.g. lease agreement, utility bill)
  • Proof of identity (passport, national ID card)
  • Generally, a medical certificate stating you are fit to drive is also required. This can usually be obtained from a local clinic or doctor.

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

Some countries have reciprocal driving license agreements with Poland, which would simplify and speed up the process. Be sure to check if your country has such an agreement.

If your license is expired, it may not be possible to exchange. Instead, you may need to apply for a Polish license from scratch, which would involve attending a driving school and taking both a theory and practical exam.

Remember, driving without a valid license in Poland is illegal, and can result in heavy fines or even imprisonment. Be sure to get your Polish license before your current license expires!

Sources for more information:

POLAND DRIVER’S LICENSE or other relevant local government website.


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