Health Insurance in Poland: Essentials for Residents and Expats

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What is it?

Health insurance in Poland allows access to a wide range of healthcare services. It’s a must for everyone living in the country. It can be either public, handled by NFZ (National Health Fund), or private through various health insurance providers.

Who needs it?

Everyone living in Poland, including both Polish residents and expats, needs health insurance. It may also apply to long-term visitors, students, or anyone who plans to stay in Poland for an extended period.


  1. Evaluate whether public health insurance, like NFZ, or private health insurance suits your needs better. You can choose a private provider like Luxmed or Medicover based on individual requirements. You would need to consider the costs, coverage and reviews of the services.
  2. For public health insurance (NFZ), you will need to fill the ZUS DRA form.
  3. Register for health insurance with your chosen provider. This usually involves going through an application process, confirming your personal details and health history.
  4. Start paying designated insurance premiums to your chosen provider.
  5. Use the provided insurance card or documentation to access healthcare services.

Required Documents

  • Personal identification documents like ID card or passport.
  • ZUS DRA form for public health insurance (This form can be obtained from the social insurance institution (ZUS) office.)
  • Possible proof of address or residency in Poland.
  • Documentation of paid premiums or health insurance coverage.

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • Private health insurances like Luxmed and Medicover offer different types of packages to suit different individual needs. You can choose one depending upon your requirements and budget.
  • For NFZ, even if you’re self-employed or own a business, you need to pay ZUS contributions by filling the DRA form.
  • Remember that even if you have private health insurance, you can still use public health insurance. The two are not mutually exclusive.


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