How to Obtain a Death Certificate: Step-by-Step Guide

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What is it?

A Death Certificate is an official state-issued document that recognizes the death of an individual. It contains details such as the person’s name, date of birth, and location and cause of death. It’s necessary for a variety of legal and personal purposes, including settling the deceased individual’s estate and claiming pensions or insurance benefits.

Who needs it?

Immediate family members, legal representatives, or anyone with a valid legal need can request a death certificate. This becomes particularly necessary when handling the deceased’s legal and financial affairs.


  1. Register the death: Whoever was present at the time of death is obligated to report it to the appropriate authority, which is usually the local health department or registrar’s office.
  2. Obtain the medical certification of death: Have the attending physician fill it out and sign it.
  3. Fill out an application for death certificate: This can usually be done online or at a local government office. You will need to provide your details and those of the deceased.
  4. Submit all documents and pay the fee: This can usually be done in person or by mail. Fees vary depending on the jurisdiction.

Required Documents

  • Identification of the applicant
  • Proof of relationship or legal interest
  • Medical Certification of Death (completed by attending physician)
  • Death registration form (provided by local authorities)

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

After death, a Polish ID card or any other identification documents must be handed over to the office where the death was registered. This is typically done by the funeral director if one is involved. It’s important to ensure all information provided in applications and supporting documents is precise and correct to prevent any delays or complications in obtaining the death certificate. An incorrect or incomplete application can lead to rejection. Those outside the country can often make arrangements through their local Polish consulate.

NOTE: The above steps and information is subject to changes in respective regulations and should be verified with local authorities before proceeding.


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