How to Obtain a Marriage Certificate in Poland - A Guide

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What is it?

A marriage certificate is an official document that proves the legal union of two individuals. In Poland, a marriage certificate is required for various procedures, including immigration purposes, name change, and application for a permanent residence card (karta pobytu).

Who needs it?

Typically, people who just got married in Poland or Polish citizens who married abroad and now need to register their marriage in Poland. It’s also needed by spouses planning to change their surname as per Polish norms following marriage.


  1. Arrange an appointment at the local civil registry office (Urząd Stanu Cywilnego) in your town.
  2. Gather all necessary documents (see below).
  3. Attend the arranged appointment with your spouse.
  4. Pay the administrative fee for the marriage certificate issuance.
  5. Obtain the marriage certificate, which will be issued immediately or mailed to your address.

Required Documents

  • Proof of identity (ID or passport).
  • Birth certificates of both spouses.
  • Confirmation certificate of no impediment to marriage - this proves that there is no legal reason for you not to be able to marry, and can often be obtained from your country’s embassy or consulate in Poland.
  • If one or both parties are divorced, a final decree of divorce or a death certificate (in case of widows/widowers).
  • Foreigners will need to provide additional documents, such as a passport, a visa/residence permit, and an official translation of all documents.

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • Non-Polish speaking individuals might need to hire an official translator as all documents must be in Polish.
  • If you’re married abroad and need to register the marriage in Poland, a foreign marriage certificate is normally valid. However, it must be legalized/apostilled and translated into Polish by an authorized translator.
  • In Poland, marriage does not automatically change your surname. A married couple can choose to use either of their surnames, keep their own, or hyphenate both (in any order). It’s recommended to declare your chosen surname during the marriage certificate application process.


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