How to Apply for a Polish Passport: Procedure and Requirements

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What is it?

A Polish Passport is an international travel document that serves as a proof of identity and citizenship for Polish citizens. It is used for international travel.

Who needs it?

It is primarily required by Polish citizens who are planning to travel abroad.


  1. Verify your eligibility: If you were not born in Poland or your parents were not Polish, you may need to establish your eligibility for a Polish citizenship first. This usually involves proving your descent from Polish ancestors or another eligibility basis.
  2. Complete the Passport Application: The next step is to complete the appropriate passport application form which can be obtained from the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland.
  3. Gather required documents: You will need to provide certain documents as evidence of your eligibility (See required documents section).
  4. Submit your application: Once all the documents are gathered, submit your completed application form in person to the nearest Polish consulate or embassy.
  5. Pay the applicable fees: You will be required to pay a 15€ fee when you submit the application.
  6. Wait for processing: The average processing time is several weeks but it can vary.
  7. Collect your passport: You will be notified when your passport is ready for collection.

Required Documents

  • Proof of Polish citizenship (e.g. Polish Identity Card, previous Polish Passport)
  • Completed Passport Application Form
  • 2 Passport-sized photos
  • Proof of payment of the passport fee

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • You must be a Polish citizen to apply for a Polish Passport.
  • Passport applications must usually be lodged in person.
  • The exact requirements and processes can vary based on the specifics of your situation and where you are applying from. Always check the current requirements and procedures with the Polish consulate or embassy in your jurisdiction.
  • There may be different requirements or processes for adults and children. Always double-check if you are applying for someone under the age of 18.


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