PIT Tax Declaration Guide for Income Earners in Poland

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What is it?

PIT tax (Podatek dochodowy od osób fizycznych) is an individual income tax that residents in Poland are required to pay. The tax declaration is a process of reporting the income from various sources, taking into consideration tax relief and other financial realities.

Who needs it?

Every individual who earns income in Poland needs to submit a PIT tax declaration. This includes both residents and non-residents who have financial activities in the country.


  1. Gather all necessary documents including PIT-11 forms, which are provided by the employer, and PIT-2 forms if you have taken any tax relief.

  2. Prepare all the information on your income and deductions. For instance, if you made profits on platforms such as eToro, make sure to include these earnings.

  3. Head to the e-Deklaracje website , a platform provided by the Ministry of Finance in Poland, to submit your tax returns. An account creation may be necessary if you’re a first-time user.

  4. Fill out the tax return form carefully, ensuring all data including income details, tax relief details (if any), personal information, and bank account details are included. Be careful not to leave any mandatory field empty.

  5. Once you’ve filled out and checked the information, you can submit the form on the e-Deklaracje website.

  6. Keep a copy of the submitted form and confirmation of submission for your records.

Required Documents

  • PIT-11 form from your employer/s.
  • PIT-2 form if you have taken any tax relief during the year.
  • Proof of other income - if you made profits using platforms such as eToro.

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

Ensure to provide precise and accurate information on all your income sources. False declaration may lead to penalties and legal issues. Tax declarations typically take a few weeks to be processed, so it’s recommended to start the submission early to avoid last-minute rush.


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