How to Change Your Address on Your Driving License Properly

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What is it?

Changing the address on your driving license involves updating your residential information on official documentation. Depending on your location, the exact procedure might vary somewhat but often involves filling out some form of governmental paperwork.

Who needs it?

People who have recently moved and need their driving license to reflect their current place of residence. This is generally important for tax, legal and identification purposes.


  1. Obtain the necessary forms: You typically need to obtain specific forms from your local driver licensing authority. This form often asks for personal information such as your full name, date of birth, current address and new address.
  2. Complete the forms: Fill in all the required information on the form. Ensure that all information is accurate to avoid any complications.
  3. Submit the forms: You might need to return the form to the driver licensing authority either by mail or in person. You often need to provide supporting documents along with your form at this point.
  4. Wait for changes to take effect: Once you have submitted your form and any required documents, the licensing authority processes your application. You will receive an updated licensing displaying your new address after some time.
  5. Remember to update your address on your vehicle registration documents as well, following a similar process.

Note: The exact procedure depends on the specific procedures laid out by your local driver licensing authority.

Required Documents

  • Proof of identity (e.g., valid passport or ID card)
  • Proof of new address (e.g., Utility bill, lease agreement, etc. showing the new address)
  • The completed change of address form.

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

Remember, it’s important to update your driving license address shortly after moving. In many places, it’s a legal obligation, and failure to do so might result in fines or other penalties. It’s also a good idea to check the specific requirements of your local driver licensing authority, as the procedure can vary between locations.


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