Complete Guide on IRS Anexo B for Self-Employed in Portugal

Table of Contents


What is it?

IRS Anexo B is a component of the Portuguese IRS (Imposto sobre o Rendimento das Pessoas Singulares) tax return. It is required to report income from self-employment, entrepreneurial activities, and other independent work.

Who needs it?

This form is necessary for individuals who earned income through self-employment, independent contracting, or other business activities outside of full-time employment arrangements. It’s essential for freelancers, independent consultants, and small business owners.


  1. Access the IRS Portal: Navigate to the official IRS website .
  2. Log In: Use your credentials to log into your account.
  3. Select the Correct Fiscal Year: Ensure you are filling out the form for the appropriate year.
  4. Choose “Declarações”: Once logged in, access the ‘Declarações’ (Statements) section.
  5. Begin a New Declaration: Start a new IRS declaration.
  6. Select Anexo B: During the creation of a new declaration, select Anexo B when prompted.
  7. Fill in Personal Information: Complete the personal information sections accurately.
    • Taxpayer’s Fiscal Number (NIF)
    • Contact details
  8. Report Income: Enter all income earned from self-employment and other independent activities.
    • Include all relevant details and amounts.
  9. Expenses and Deductions: List any deductible expenses relevant to the income reported.
    • For example, office supplies, business travel, etc.
  10. Review Prior Year’s Data (if applicable): If this is not your first time, you may need to review and confirm details from previous years.
  11. Complete and Review: Ensure all fields are filled accurately and double-check for errors.
  12. Submit Declaration: Once everything is complete and reviewed, submit your declaration through the portal.
  13. Print and Save Confirmation: After submission, print or save the confirmation page for your records.

Required Documents

  • Personal Identification: Copy of your ID or passport.
  • NIF (Número de Identificação Fiscal): Your taxpayer identification number.
  • Proof of Income: Documentation of all income earned from self-employment or independent activities.
  • Expense Receipts: Receipts and records of deductible expenses.

These documents can be obtained from your personal records, invoices, and receipts related to your business activities over the fiscal year.

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • No Income Scenario: According to user experiences, if you had no income over the fiscal year, you still need to submit Anexo B but you will indicate zero income.
  • Previous Years: If you missed submitting Anexo B in prior years, you should still comply to avoid potential fines. Previous threads indicate that you can rectify historical records by accessing the ‘Declarações’ section for each missed year.
  • First Time Filing: As a first-time filer, ensure every step is diligently followed. Community tips suggest cross-referencing official IRS guidelines or seeking professional help for a smoother experience.


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