Guide to Renewing Your Driving License While Living Abroad

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What is it?

Renewal of driving license refers to the process of extending the validity of your current driving license. This is extremely important for those residing abroad since expired licenses may not be universally accepted and could create legal issues when driving in a foreign country.

Who needs it?

This service is needed by any individual who is living abroad, especially in Portugal, the UK, or Brazil, and whose driving license is nearing expiration.


  1. Check your license’s expiration date.
  2. If you’re in UK, follow the process specified by the DVLA (Driver & Vehicle Licensing Agency ).
  3. For those residing in Portugal, please visit IMT - Portuguese Institute for Mobility and Transport to start the process of renewal.
  4. If you’re in Brazil, visit the DETRAN (Department of Traffic ) of your state and proceed according to the guidelines provided.
  5. Always keep in mind the local regulations and requirements surrounding renewal procedures, they might vary from country to country.

Required Documents

You may be required to present the following documents, among others, depending on your local circumstances:

  • Identity proof (passport, national ID card, etc.)
  • Current driving license
  • Fulfillment of any medical requirements

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

The pricing and procedure can vary from place to place. In some cases, you may need to apply through a consulate or local embassy. Additionally, some governments may have requirements for residents to convert to local driving licenses after a certain period of time living in the country. Make sure to check the local regulations thoroughly before and during the renewal process.


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