Document Certification: Ensuring Authenticity for Legal Use

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What is it?

Document certification is a process where an authorized person or body confirms the authenticity of a document. This is usually necessary for documents that have to be recognized legally in foreign countries or when asked by various institutions.

Who needs it?

Individuals who are in the process of immigration, studying abroad, tax issues, and international business transactions typically need certified documents.


  1. Identify the document that needs certification.
  2. Depending on the type of certification required, the document may need translation and notarization.
  3. Present the document to a notary or the correct legal authority.
  4. Pay the necessary fees, if applicable.
  5. Collect the certified document once done.

Required Documents

The documents needed would depend on the nature of the request. However, some common documents include:

  • Original copy of the document
  • Valid ID of the requesting party
  • Notarized translation of the document (if not in Portuguese)
  • Application form (specific to the certifying agency)

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • For documents like Birth Certificates to be used abroad, you might be requested to have an Apostille, which authenticates the document for use internationally.
  • For immigration to countries like Canada, you might be asked to present police certificates. These would require you to apply in the country/region where you lived for 6 or more months.


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