How to Obtain a Housing Permit in Portugal: A Complete Guide

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What is it?

A Housing Permit, also known as a ‘Licença de Habitação’ in Portugal, is a legal document that certifies a specific property’s suitability for human habitation.

Who needs it?

The permit is needed by anyone who intends to buy, sell, or rent property in Portugal.


  1. Begin with a preliminary consultation at the Municipal Town Planning Department (Departamento Municipal de Planeamento Urbano) of your city council (Câmara Municipal).
  2. Submit a draft of your project, along with the property’s floor plan design, layout, and building specifications.
  3. After obtaining approval for the draft, compile all necessary documents and submit them along with your completed application form.
  4. Once verified, the construction proposal will be accepted. At this point, you’ll receive your Building Permit (Licença de Construção), allowing you to start construction.
  5. After the construction is complete, communicate completion to the local authority.
  6. The final step is an inspection arranged by the city council. Upon successful inspection, a Use Permit (Licença de Utilização) or Housing Permit will be issued.

Required Documents

  • Identification documents (ID/ passport)
  • Property’s Land Registry Certificate (Certidão de Teor)
  • Caderneta Predial
  • Detailed draft of the property project
  • Property’s floor plan design, layout, and building specification
  • Discharge to Public Sewage System Certificate
  • Acoustic Certification

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • The length of time this process takes can vary depending on the complexity of the project and the speed of the local authority.
  • Failure to obtain a housing permit can result in penalizations, including fines or eventual demolition.
  • It is highly recommended to work with experienced professionals like architects and engineers throughout the process.


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