Land Registry Certificate in Portugal: Essential Guide & Steps

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What is it?

A Land Registry Certificate in Portugal (also known as Certidão Predial Permanente), is an official document that contains all the significant information about a real estate property, such as the owner’s name, the property’s details, and any rights, charges, or encumbrances on it.

Who needs it?

Anyone purchasing, renting or managing property in Portugal. It’s especially important for those who are finalizing a property purchase agreement to guarantee that the property isn’t legally occupied or owned by someone else, and doesn’t have existing debts or charges.


  1. Visit the ‘Predial Online’ website that is essentially the online platform of the Land Registry Office in Portugal. Here’s the link to the website .

  2. Register an account if you do not have one. To do so, click on ‘Criar Conta’ and fill in the required details.

  3. Once you have registered and logged in, select ‘Pedir Certidão Permanente de Prédio’ and enter the property’s ‘Código de Acesso à Certidão Permanente’.

  4. After filling in the details, you’ll be required to pay a fee. The payment can be made through Multibanco, credit card or Mbway.

  5. Once the payment is confirmed, you’ll receive the Land Registry Certificate, which can be downloaded instantly.

Required Documents

Primarily, the property’s ‘Código de Acesso à Certidão Permanente’ is required. It’s a unique code given to every registered real estate property in Portugal.

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

Remember, the Certidão Predial Permanente is only valid for six months. You need to renew it if you require up-to-date information after this period. The website is also available in English and other languages for non-Portuguese speakers.


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