How to Obtain a Residence Certificate in Portugal Easily

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What is it?

A Residence Certificate (Atestado de Morada in Portuguese) is an official document that proves your residence at a certain address in Portugal.

Who needs it?

This document is usually required by institutions like banks, courts and the tax department, amongst others. Any person residing in Portugal may need it to complete certain formalities or legal procedures.


  1. First, reach out to your local parish council (Junta de Freguesia) where you reside. In Portugal, this is the institution in charge of issuing Residence Certificates.
  2. Apply for the Atestado de Morada by providing the required documents and information.
  3. After a certain period (varies by council), you will receive your Residence Certificate.

Required Documents

To obtain a Residence Certificate in Portugal, you are required to provide the following:

  1. Identification (Passport or ID card)
  2. Evidence of address (Lease contract, utility bill, etc.)
  3. NIF (Número de Identificação Fiscal - Portuguese Tax Number)

Note: Some councils may require additional documents. It is advisable to check with your local council before you proceed.

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

In Portugal, the issuance of the Residence Certificate is managed at the local level by each council. Therefore, the procedure, required documents, timeline and fees can vary significantly from one council to another. It is thus essential to make inquiries to your local council before starting the process.


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