How to Obtain a Tax Identification Number (NIF) in Portugal

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What is it?

The Tax Identification Number, known as Número de Identificação Fiscal (NIF) in Portugal, is a nine-digit number used in Portugal for tax purposes. The first number represents the type of holder (person, company, etc.).

Who needs it?

It’s mandatory for everyone doing financial transactions in Portugal like opening a bank account, signing rent agreements, buying or selling property, for tax returns, etc. Individuals who are not residents of Portugal but need to cater to such financial activities also require a NIF.


  1. Visit a local tax office (Finanças) in Portugal or the Portuguese embassy in your resident country.
  2. Speak with a tax official and express the need for a NIF.
  3. You may be required to provide a reason for requesting the NIF.
  4. Provide all the documents they request for.
  5. Fill in and submit the form as per their instructions. Please note that the process might differ slightly depending on whether you are a resident or non-resident.

Required Documents

  • Passport or ID proof.
  • Proof of residency (like a utility bill in your name)
  • For non-residents, a Portuguese address may be required which can be used for correspondence. If you do not have a Portuguese address, you can appoint a tax representative who is a Portugal resident. Please note that exact requirements can vary so it’s advisable to check with the local tax office or Portuguese embassy.

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • You must always state your NIF when requested in financial transactions.
  • Various organizations such as courier services, online stores, etc., might ask for your NIF. This can help them issue you an invoice or to comply with their tax obligations.


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