How to Obtain a Death Certificate: Essential Steps and Documents

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What is it?

A death certificate is a legal document issued by a government official that certifies the date, location, and cause of a person’s death. This document is necessary for the legal and administrative processes that follow someone’s death, including inheritance proceedings, the settlement of the deceased’s estate, and various insurance claims.

Who needs it?

Any individual who has lost a family member or loved one, such as a spouse, parent, or sibling, would require a death certificate. It is also needed by executors and administrators of estate planning, insurance companies, attorneys, and government agencies.


  1. Following the death, obtain a medical certificate from the doctor who last treated the deceased. This doctor will declare cause of death.
  2. Subsequently, you will need to inform the local municipality or city hall in the place of death about the demise.
  3. The next step is to submit the medical certificate, along with identification documents of the deceased and person reporting the death, to the Civil Registry office.
  4. Upon the submission and verification of these documents, a death certificate will be issued.

Required Documents

  • Medical Certificate declaring the cause of death
  • Decedent’s Identification Documents (Passport, ID Card, etc.)
  • Identification Documents of the person reporting the death

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • Usually, the family of the deceased or a designated individual handles the procedure to obtain a Death Certificate. In case the person reporting the death is not a family member, a written mandate may be needed.
  • This process should be completed as soon as possible following the death to avoid any legal complications.
  • If the deceased had any assets, debts or legal obligations, the death certificate would be required for the corresponding legal proceedings.
  • The fees associated with obtaining a death certificate can differ based on the urgency of the request and the location where it is being requested.


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