Guide to Employment Contracts in Romania: Essential Steps & Tips

Table of Contents


What is it?

An Employment Contract is a legally binding agreement between an employer and employee. In Romania, such contracts are governed by the country’s labor laws and outline the rights, responsibilities, and obligations of both parties involved.

Who needs it?

Any organization or individual planning to hire an employee should create a proper Employment Contract. Moreover, if you are an individual planning to work in Romania, having a properly structured employment contract is necessary.


  1. Determine Employment: Decide on the nature of employment, whether the individual will be a full-time or part-time employee, contractor, or freelancer.

  2. Specify the Basics: Include the basic details such as the individual’s job title, duties and responsibilities, the remuneration, and the start date.

  3. Outline Work Schedule: Describe the work schedule, including the number of work hours, breaks, and any overtime requirements.

  4. Discuss Employment Benefits: Cover all employment benefits such as the health and pension programs, paid time offs, vacation leaves, sick days, and any additional perks your business might offer.

  5. Understand Tax Responsibilities: Understand who is responsible for individual taxes in Romania, whether it’s the company or the individual.

  6. Include Confidential Clauses: Address confidential matters such as non-disclosure agreements and protection of intellectual property.

  7. Agree on Contract Termination: Include details on how and when the contract could be terminated.

  8. Legal Advice: Seek a lawyer’s advice to check for any potential legal inconsistencies within the contract.

  9. Finalize the Contract: Once all terms are agreed upon, have it signed by both the employee and the employer.

Required Documents

  • Proof of identification
  • Resume or CV: detailing an individual’s professional and academic background
  • Registration documents (business): If you are a business owner

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

It’s vital to compare different employment contract structures such as B2B contracts vs job contracts to choose what suits best for you or your organization. Each contract has its own merits and limitations. Be mindful to cross-check the contract details to avoid any legal complications down the line.


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