How to Obtain a Work Permit for Romania: A Complete Guide

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What is it?

A work permit is a legal document that authorizes a foreigner to work legally in Romania. The permit is issued by the The General Inspectorate for Immigration.

Who needs it?

Foreign nationals not from EU, EEA or Swiss Confederation countries who want to work legally in Romania.


  1. Find a job: The employer must apply for the work permit on behalf of the expat.

  2. Employer files the request: The employer applies to the General Inspectorate for Immigration. The application includes the required documentation and the fees for the work permit.

  3. Approval and issuance: Once approved, the expat can now apply for a long-stay visa for work.

  4. Apply for visa: The visa application is submitted at the Romanian embassy or consulate in the expat’s country of residence.

  5. Entry to Romania: On arrival in Romania, the expat applies for a residency permit, showing the valid work permit.

Required Documents

  • Passport
  • Medical certificate
  • Certificate of no criminal record
  • Proof of professional studies or accreditation for the profession
  • Labor contract between the employer and the employee, signed and dated

The required documents may vary according to the type of work permit that’s being applied for. For further information, consult the General Inspectorate for Immigration’s guide here.

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

The work permit is issued in 30 days from the date of submission of the application, and its validity period is the same as the duration of the individual employment contract. Each year, the Romanian government sets a quota for the number of foreign nationals that can be employed in the country. Thus, securing a job early increases the chances of obtaining a work permit.


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