Comprehensive Guide to Maternity Leave in Slovakia

Table of Contents


What is it?

Maternity leave is an authorized period of absence from work for women who are about to give birth or have recently given birth, which is usually paid for a certain amount of time. This guide will provide a comprehensive procedure on how to apply for maternity leave within Slovakia’s legislation.

Who needs it?

Any working woman who is expecting a child needs to know about her rights and the procedure of maternity leave application. It is beneficial to the health and wellbeing of both mother and child, allowing them time to adjust and bond.


  1. Notify your employer: Give your employer written notice about your pregnancy and upcoming maternity leave. This should be done as early as possible to avoid any complications.
  2. Be aware of your rights: Check your contract and your country’s labor laws to make sure you understand what you are entitled to. For Slovakia, maternity leave lasts up to 34 weeks for one child, and longer for multiples.
  3. Obtain a medical certificate: Your doctor will need to provide a document stating you are pregnant and your expected due date. The departure time for maternity leave can fluctuate, so a predicted due date is crucial.
  4. Submit the necessary documents: This may include your writing notice, medical certificates, and any additional supporting documents.
  5. Prepare for handover: Depending on the nature of your job, you may need to ensure an effective handover process. This will ensure a smooth transition while you are away.

Required Documents

  • Written notice of leave
  • Medical certificate(s)
  • Identity documents (such as ID card or passport)
  • Other supporting documents (based on employer’s policy or job requirements)

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

While away on maternity leave, women in Slovakia receive payments from health insurance. The funds are provided by the Social Insurance Company and equate to about 65% of their assessment basis. Bear in mind regulations and rights might differ from industry to industry, always refer to your contract or human resources department for personalized advice.


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