Social Scholarships in Slovakia: Financial Support for Students

Table of Contents


What is it?

A Social Scholarship is a financial save meant to support students studying in Slovakia, who are dealing with economic difficulties or enjoying significant achievements in their field of study.

Who needs it?

The ideal applicants for social scholarships in Slovakia are students (undergraduate or postgraduate) who are either economically disadvantaged or who excel academically, culturally, or sports-wise.


  1. Check the eligibility criteria for the scholarship. Make sure you are either economically disadvantaged or have a significant achievement in your field of study.
  2. Prepare and collect all required documents (see the list below).
  3. Register or log in to the official government’s e-portal.
  4. Fill in the necessary information and upload the required documents as per the provided instructions.
  5. Submit the application. Ensure you receive a confirmation that your application was successfully submitted.
  6. Wait for the decision on your application. The timeline for this can vary.

Required Documents

  • Identification documents (ID card, passport)
  • Document of admission from the educational institution
  • Proof of income for economically disadvantaged students
  • Relevant certificates for students with achievements

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • Scholarship amounts may vary depending on the assessment of the applicant’s economic situation and the level of achievement.
  • The decisions on social scholarship requests are typically made by the Social Scholarship Committee of the respective educational institution.
  • For academically strong students, achieving a top grade may increase the chances of obtaining the scholarship.

Note: The information provided may vary, please always confirm from the official website or contact the responsible entity for the most accurate information.


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