Guide to Deregistering from Health Insurance: Steps and Tips

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What is it?

Deregistering from health insurance is the process of ceasing to be enrolled in a health insurance plan. This could be applicable when moving to another country or upon acquiring a different health insurance policy.

Who needs it?

Individuals planning to move to another country or switching to a different health insurance plan need to deregister from their current health insurance.


  1. Contact your health insurance provider: Reach out to your health insurance provider and inform them of your intent to deregister from the plan.
  2. Fill out the deregistration form: Your insurance provider will provide a deregistration form which you need to complete and sign.
  3. Submit the form: Send back the completed form to your insurance provider. Please ensure you keep a copy of the full document for future reference.

Required Documents

  1. Deregistration form: This can be provided by your health insurance company.
  2. Proof of new health insurance (if applicable): If you are switching to a new health insurance, proof of the new insurance may be required.

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

Remember to tackle this process well before your planned date of relocation or switch to ensure a smooth transition. Also, keep a close eye on your former provider’s communications regarding confirmation of your deregistration. Given the sensitive nature of health insurance, any lapse or unexpected continuation in coverage can potentially lead to stressful and costly situations. Always make sure that your new health coverage is in place before terminating the old one, when you are switching plans.

Please note that the procedure and documents required might vary based on your specific country and insurance provider. When in doubt, don’t hesitate to contact your insurance provider for precise procedures and requirements.


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