Health Insurance Registration Guide for Foreigners in Slovakia

Table of Contents


What is it?

Health insurance registration is the process of enrolling oneself in a health insurance program, which is necessary to receive healthcare coverage in Slovakia.

Who needs it?

Every foreign national who is employed, self-employed, studying, or living in Slovakia is required to have health insurance.


  1. Obtain a residence permit if you plan to stay in Slovakia for more than 90 days.
  2. After receiving your residence permit, register with one of the health insurance providers. There are three main providers: Všeobecná zdravotná poisťovňa , Dôvera zdravotná poisťovňa , and Union zdravotná poisťovňa .
  3. Present necessary documents and fill out an application form. Depending on your status (student, employed, self-employed, etc.), you might need additional documents.
  4. Once approved, you will receive confirmation of your health insurance registration.

Required Documents

  • Residence permit
  • Passport
  • Confirmation of employment (for employees)
  • Confirmation of study (for students)

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

In many cases, your employer will register you for health insurance. If you’re a student, your university may register you. If you are unemployed or self-employed, you ought to do it yourself. You need to make sure that you are registered within 8 days of starting work or becoming a resident. Failure to do so may result in a fine or denial of services. Health services in Slovakia are not free of charge and you may be required to co-pay for some services. However, basic healthcare services are covered by insurance.


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