Building Permit Requirements and Process in Slovakia

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What is it?

A building permit is a necessary document that authorizes the construction or alteration of a building structure. In Slovakia, the local building office issues building permits after carefully examining your construction project plans.

Who needs it?

The permit is a must-have for individuals, builders, entrepreneurs or companies that want to put up a new building, alter, renovate, demolish, or change the use of a building in Slovakia.


  1. Prepare and submit detailed construction project plans, including the layout, structural details, electrical plan, plumbing system, etc.
  2. Submit an application for the building permit to the local building authority. Some regions may have the option to apply online.
  3. Wait for the building authority to review the project. They will check if it meets all the building and environmental regulations.
  4. If approved, you will be issued a building permit. Otherwise, the application might be rejected, or you may be asked to amend it.

Required Documents

  • Detailed diagrams and schematics of the proposed project
  • Title deeds or proof of ownership of the building site
  • Consents from specialized authorities, depending on the specifics of the construction project.

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • The processing time for a building permit application may vary depending on the complexity of your project, the completeness of your application, and the workload of the building authority.
  • There may be other permissions and consents needed depending on the specifics and location of the construction project.
  • Ensure to abide by all the conditions and stipulations set out in your building permit. Non-compliance can result in penalties and even revocation of the permit.
  • It is advisable to seek help from professionals, like architects or engineers, to prepare your project plans and help with the application process.
  • The cost of a building permit can also vary depending on the nature and size of your project.


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