Get Your International Driver’s Permit: Easy and Quick Process

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What is it?

An International Driver’s Permit is a document that allows individuals with a valid driver’s license from their native country to drive in foreign countries that are a part of the 1949 Geneva Convention on Road Traffic.

Who needs it?

Any individual planning to drive in a foreign country(like Slovakia) who is not a holder of a driving license from EU or EEA countries needs an IDP.


  1. Confirm your eligibility: You should be at least 18 years old and possess a valid driver’s license from your home country.
  2. Start the application process for International Driver’s License with a recognized authority in your country. For instance, in the US, you could use AAA (American Automobile Association ) or AATA (American Automobile Touring Alliance).
  3. Fill in the required forms detailing necessary personal information. With AAA, you can download the application form directly from their website.
  4. Provide two passport-size photos along with your application. These photos can be taken at any local post office or photo studio.
  5. Include a photocopy of both sides of your current driver’s license.
  6. Pay the necessary fee. The cost of an IDP with AAA, for instance, is $20.

Required Documents

  • Valid Driver’s License
  • Passport size photos (2)
  • Copy of current driver’s license

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • The International Driver’s License is not a standalone document and should be carried alongside your original driver’s license.
  • It’s valid for one year from the issue date.
  • Understand that it’s a translation of your existing license and does not bestow extra driving privileges. Keep in mind the driving rules of the country you are visiting.


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