Guide to Commercial Register in Slovakia – Requirements & Procedure

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What is it?

The commercial register in Slovakia, also known as Obchodný register, is a public list managed by the Ministry of Justice where legal entities such as companies, sole proprietors, and associations are registered. It aims to provide complete and accurate information about the economic operators working in the country.

Who needs it?

The registration is mandatory for companies that have a legal entity status such as limited liability companies (sro), joint-stock companies, partnerships, etc. Individuals planning to set up a business or already running businesses in Slovakia would find this registration essential.


  1. Preparation of documents: Start by preparing all the required documents necessary for the registration. These documents can vary based on the type of legal entity you are registering.

  2. Submitting the application: Once all the documents are prepared and signed by the representatives, the application should be submitted to the competent court, based on the company’s location. The application could either be submitted online or directly at the court’s office.

  3. Payment of fees: After submitting the application, proceed to pay the required fees. The payment could be made online or directly at the court’s office.

  4. Verification and registration: The court will then examine the application and verify all the submitted documents. After the successful verification, your company will be registered in the commercial register.

Required Documents

The list of required documents can vary based on the type of legal entity. However, the general documents required include:

  • Formation documents like company agreement or statutes
  • Proof of identity of representatives
  • Confirmation of administrative fees
  • Confirmation of capital deposit

Providers that can do it for you

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Additional details

The time period for the registration process can range between 5-10 days, but it can be extended if additional verification of the provided documents is required. Creatng a company in Slovakia also brings obligations such as accounting, annual financial statement depositing, tax return submission, and possibly audits. Consulting with a financial advisor can provide further insight into these obligations.


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