Guide to Registering for Humanitarian Residence in Any Country

Table of Contents


What is it?

Registration of humanitarian residence is a process through which individuals, who are in need due to precarious situations in their home country, can become legally recognized residents in a more stable nation. This often involves seeking asylum or refugee status.

Who needs it?

People who are facing extreme hardship, danger, or persecution in their home country, such as Ukrainians seeking asylum due to the ongoing conflict, are the typical applicants for humanitarian residence.


  1. Identify the country in which you would like to seek humanitarian residence.
  2. Contact the appropriate immigration authority in the chosen country. In Slovakia, this is the Migration Office of the Ministry of Interior .
  3. Submit an asylum application, which normally includes a personal interview and providing evidence of the situation in your home country.
  4. Await processing of the application, during which time you may have to reside within the country on a temporary basis.
  5. If the application is approved, you will be granted humanitarian residence.

Required Documents

  • A valid passport or other travel documents
  • Evidence of the situation in home country, which can be news articles, documents showing personal threat, etc.
  • Any other documents required by the specific immigration authorities

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

While some countries, like Norway, require a visa to seek asylum, others like Slovakia, do not require a visa for the registration process. However, note that each country has their own process and requirements for granting humanitarian residence.

Remember that it is also possible to seek help from organizations that specialize in assisting refugees or asylum seekers. They can provide much-needed advice and aid during this process. The UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) is one of such organizations.


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