Guide to Applying for Asylum in Spain: Step-by-Step Process

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What is it?

An asylum application is a request made by a person for protection in a foreign country due to fear of persecution in their home country. In Spain, this application is handled by the Office of Asylum and Refuge (OAR).

Who needs it?

An asylum application is ideal for individuals who are facing credible threats of persecution in their home countries due to reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion.


  1. The first step is to present yourself to the Spanish authorities (either at the border or within the country) and express your intention to apply for asylum.
  2. You will then submit a formal written application which should include the reasons you’re seeking asylum.
  3. After submission, your application will be reviewed by the Office of Asylum and Refuge. This can involve interviews and further inquiries about your situation.
  4. If successful, you will be granted asylum which gives you the right to remain in Spain under the protection of its laws.

Required Documents

  1. Identification documents (passport) or other documents that can help establish your identity and nationality.
  2. Any documents that can support your claims for the reason you’re seeking asylum.
  3. Filling out and submitting the official asylum application form.

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • The process may take several months as the Office of Asylum and Refuge reviews your case.
  • You may remain in Spain during the process and upon submission of the application, you will be given a red card (tarjeta roja) which allows you to stay and work in Spain while your application is being processed.
  • It’s important to note that your application should be genuine. Misrepresentation of facts or faking an application for the purpose of immigration can lead to denial and deportation.
  • Asylum seekers are entitled to legal counsel and interpreters if needed. For more detailed information, consult your local law firms or reach out to OAR directly.


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