Guide to Inviting Foreign Guests to Spain: Process & Requirements

Table of Contents


What is it?

Authorization for issuing an invitation letter is a formal process required for inviting a foreign guest to Spain. This document proves that the invitee has a valid reason and support for visiting the country.

Who needs it?

This authorization is needed by:

  • Spanish residents or citizens planning to invite a foreign guest.
  • Foreign nationals needing to visit Spain for personal or business reasons.


  1. Initiate the Request: Begin by checking the official website of the Spanish government or your local city council for the specific process in your area.
  2. Gather Necessary Information: Collect the personal information of both the inviter and the invitee, such as identification documents, passport details, and proof of relationship or purpose of the visit.
  3. Document Preparation: Compile the requisite documents (detailed below) ensuring all are up-to-date and correct.
  4. Book an Appointment: Use the online system to book an appointment with the immigration office. It is recommended to check frequently for available slots as the system can be busy.
  5. Submit the Documents: Attend your appointment and submit all required documents.
  6. Pay the Fees: Complete any required payment for processing the invitation letter if necessary. This varies by region and local regulations.
  7. Wait for Processing: Processing times can vary. It is advisable to track your application status online.

Required Documents

  • Identity Proof: Copy of the inviter’s ID (DNI/NIE) and the invitee’s passport.
  • Proof of Residency: Documents affirming the inviter’s legal residence in Spain.
  • Accommodation Proof: Evidence such as a rental contract or property ownership showing where the guest will stay.
  • Financial Proof: Bank statements or income proof of the inviter showing sufficient funds to support the invitee during their stay.
  • Purpose of Visit: Any documents supporting the purpose of the visit, such as a business visa, family reunion, etc.

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • Appointment Booking Issues: If you experience issues booking an appointment, try refreshing the page or checking at different times of the day.
  • Processing Times: Be aware of potentially long processing times for these applications. Constantly check the status online to stay updated.


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