How to Obtain a Birth Certificate in Spain - Step-by-Step Guide

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What is it?

A birth certificate in Spain is an official document issued by the Civil Registry that records the birth of a person. It includes information such as the individual’s full name, date of birth, place of birth, and the names of their parents.

Who needs it?

Individuals who need to prove their birth details for various purposes such as obtaining identification documents (like a DNI/NIE), registering for school or social services, or for genealogical research.


  1. Determine the Civil Registry Office: Locate the specific Civil Registry Office where the birth was registered. This could be in the municipality where the person was born.

  2. Prepare Identification: You may need a valid form of identification such as a DNI or passport. If obtaining a certificate on behalf of someone else, additional documents (like a power of attorney) might be required.

  3. Visit the Civil Registry Office: Attend the office in person to request the birth certificate. You may need to fill out a request form and present the identification documents mentioned above.

  4. Request Online or by Mail: Alternatively, many Civil Registry offices allow you to request a birth certificate online through their official website or by sending a written request via mail.

  5. Pay Applicable Fees: Be prepared to pay any applicable fees for the issuance of the birth certificate. Fee structures may vary between regions and the mode of request.

  6. Receive the Certificate: Once the request is processed, you will receive the birth certificate either in person, by mail, or digitally, depending on the application method you chose.

Required Documents

  1. Proof of Identity: A valid DNI, passport, or other identification document.
  2. Authorization Document: If requesting on behalf of another person, a power of attorney or similar authorization document may be needed .
  3. Completed Request Form: Usually provided by the Civil Registry Office or available online.

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • Historical Records: Finding birth certificates from the 1800s or early 1900s might require visiting or contacting historical archives or church records, particularly if local civil registry records are incomplete.
  • Language: The certificate and the forms may be in Spanish, so having a basic understanding of the language or a translation service might be necessary.


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