How to Obtain a Certificate of Residence in Spain: A Guide

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What is it?

A Certificate of Residence, or ‘Certificado de Empadronamiento’, is an official document that confirms your permanent residency in Spain. It’s essential for various administrative procedures such as obtaining a NIE/TIE (Foreigner Identity Number/Identity Card of the Foreigner), enrolling in certain types of insurance, and more.

Who needs it?

Any foreigner living in Spain, whether they’re a citizen of an EU member country or not, needs this certificate if they’re intending to stay in the country for more than 3 months.


  1. Make an appointment at the town/city hall (‘Ayuntamiento’) in your place of residence. You will usually need to do this online. For example, those living in Barcelona would visit this website .

  2. Prepare the required documents. You need to bring your passport and proof of address (lease contract or a bill).

  3. At the ‘Ayuntamiento’, you will be asked to fill out an application form. Fill it out with the necessary details.

  4. Submit the application form along with your proof of residence and passport.

  5. After reviewing your documents, the official will give you a ‘Volante de Empadronamiento’. This certificate is proof that your application has been accepted.

Required Documents

  • Passport: This serves as your identification. Ensure it’s valid and up to date.

  • Proof of Address: This could be a property deed if you’re a homeowner, or a lease contract if you’re a renter. A utility bill (such as electricity or water bill) can also be used, as long as it’s in your name and has your address on it.

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • The certificate has an ’expiration date’, as most town halls will only issue it for a period of 3 months. However, it doesn’t really expire, and some institutions may accept it even if the ‘validity’ period has passed.

  • You can request it as many times as you need, and usually there is no fee associated with obtaining it.

  • A ‘Certificado de Empadronamiento’ is required for almost every administrative procedure in Spain. Keep a copy of it readily available to avoid any unnecessary inconvenience.


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