How to Change Address on NIE in Spain: Step-by-Step Guide

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What is it?

A change of address on ID is a legal requirement when you move to a new residential address. This process updates your details on the national database, ensuring you receive relevant correspondence from the government. This guide focuses on the process in Spain, particularly for NIE holders (Número de Identificación de Extranjero - Foreigners’ Identification Number).

Who needs it?

Anyone moving house needs to update their ID with their new address. This is particularly important for foreign residents in Spain holding a NIE. If you have recently moved within the country, you should update your NIE with your new address.


  1. Visit the local police station (Comisaría de Policia) or the immigration office (Oficina de Extranjería) in your new locality. Website: Spanish Ministry of Interior
  2. Take a ticket for the “cambio de domicilio” or “change of address” queue.
  3. When your turn comes, present your current NIE and proof of your new address to the official.
  4. The official will verify your documents and update your address in the system.

Required Documents

  • Your current ID or NIE
  • Proof of new address: a utility bill or a rental agreement in your name

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

After you have changed your address, ensure to update your information with other institutions as well. This could include your bank, employer, or school. If your address has changed in a different country, you might need to follow additional steps to ensure your rights and access to services are maintained in your new place of residence. Always consult local laws and ordinances regarding any obligations you may have when moving.


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