How to Apply for Spain Citizenship: Steps, Documents, Providers

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What is it?

Spain citizenship application is a legal process through which non-nationals can acquire Spanish nationality. This usually confers additional benefits such as participation in political, economic, social and cultural life in Spain.

Who needs it?

Non-nationals who have resided legally and continuously within the Spanish territory for ten years, or individuals who meet special circumstance criteria.


  1. Check if you are eligible according to Spanish law.
  2. Begin compiling all necessary documents.
  3. Submit your citizenship application at your local Registro Civil.
  4. Upon submission, you need to wait until the officials have processed your request.
  5. Pass a citizenship test about Spain’s constitution and sociocultural aspects.
  6. If you pass the test, your application will then be formally considered for approval and if approved, you will be granted Spanish citizenship.

Required Documents

  • NIE (Foreigners Identity Number)
  • Birth certificate apostilled and translated into Spanish
  • Valid passport
  • Proof of residence (Empadronamiento)
  • Original Extranjeria green card
  • Criminal Record Certificate apostilled and translated into Spanish
  • CCSE & DELE A2 pass certificates

All documents must be properly legalized for use in Spain. This may require obtaining an Apostille of the Hague from the issuing authority in the country of issue. Ensure all foreign documents have been officially translated into Spanish.

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

Processing times for citizenship applications can vary, from months to possibly years. Also, note that Spanish citizenship is typically acquired either through residence, Spanish Origin, Sephardi Jews, marriage, or birth to a Spanish parent.


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