Get Your Criminal Background Certificate: Easy Steps and Tips

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What is it?

A Criminal Background Certificate is a document that certifies whether or not a person has a criminal record.

Who needs it?

Individuals applying for certain jobs, visas, or official permits may be requested to provide a Criminal Background Certificate.


  1. Visit the Spanish Ministry of Justice website and navigate to the section for ‘Citizens - Criminal Records.’
  2. Click on ‘Online Request’ if you possess a digital certificate, electronic ID, or other methods of electronic identification. If not, opt for a request ‘Without certificate’, which involves filling out a form.
  3. Provide your personal details as requested by the online form.
  4. Select the appropriate purpose for your certificate request.
  5. Pay the fee online by card or use the printed receipt to pay at a bank.
  6. Your application will be processed, and the certificate will be sent to you by post or email.

Required Documents

  • Valid identification (Passport/NIE for foreigners, DNI for Spanish citizens)
  • Proof of payment of the required fee

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • The fee for requesting a Criminal Background Certificate as of 2024 is €3.70.
  • Digital Certificate users must select the ‘With certificate’ option. Those without a Digital Certificate must fill out a form in person or use the ‘Without certificate’ option online and then pay the fee at a bank.
  • If you are outside Spain, the same procedure applies, but instead of receiving the certificate by post, you will receive an electronic version by email.


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