Guide to Death Registration and Obtaining Death Certificate in Spain

Table of Contents


What is it?

Death Registration in Spain involves notifying the local Civil Registry of a death to obtain an official death certificate. This certificate is necessary for several administrative procedures, including inheritance and insurance claims. It validates that a person has passed away and officially records the date, location, and cause of death.

Who needs it?

Anyone who is responsible for handling affairs after a person’s death, such as family members, heirs, legal representatives, or executors, needs to register the death. It is especially important in Spain for those who need to confirm and verify the death for legal and administrative purposes.


  1. The death must be declared within 24 hours in Spain. This is typically done by the health professionals who certify the death.
  2. Obtain a medical-death certificate issued by the doctor who certifies the death.
  3. Apply for the Death Certificate at the local Civil Registry (Registro Civil) where the death occurred. In Spain, anyone can request a death certificate. You can refer to this online directory to find the closest Civil Registry office.
  4. Fill in the application form to request a death certificate. You can download the form here .
  5. Collect the Death Certificate from the Civil Registry after 4-5 working days.

Required Documents

  • Medical-death certificate issued by a doctor.
  • Identification document of deceased (DNI, passport, or residence card).
  • The Family book (Libro de Familia), if applicable.

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • In most cases, deaths in Spain must be registered in the municipal area where the death occurred.
  • It is always better to procure more than one copy of the Death Certificate as it may be needed for various legal and administrative procedures.
  • The Death Certificate in Spain includes the deceased’s name, cause of death, date and place of death, and personal details.


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