How to Apply for the Spanish European Health Card (TSE)

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What is it?

The Spanish Health Card (Tarjeta Sanitaria Europea or TSE) is an individual-based document that certifies the right holder to receive necessary healthcare benefits during a temporary stay in any of the member states of the European Union, European Economic Area, and Switzerland.

Who needs it?

It’s primarily for Spanish citizens or residents who are planning to travel around the EU, the EEA and Switzerland and wish to be covered for medical care.


  1. Visit the Seguridad Social website here .
  2. Navigate to the “Citizens” tab.
  3. Click on “Health Card.”
  4. Go to the “European Health Card” section.
  5. Fill out the requested personal information like your NIE (Foreigner Identification Number) and other details.
  6. Upon completing the form and submitting, you should receive a provisional certificate that will be valid for 90 days. Your TSE will arrive in the mail within a specified period.

Required Documents

  • NIE (Número de Identificacion de Extranjero) or TIE (Tarjeta de Identificación de extranjeros)
  • Filled online form on the Seguridad Social website

(To apply for an NIE, you may need to visit local police stations or foreigner offices. More information on obtaining an NIE can be found here .)

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • Remember that the TSE does not cover planned medical treatment in another EU country.
  • The TSE card has an expiration date, so be sure to renew it if you are planning to travel.
  • The card does not replace travel insurance, as it might not cover all medical costs or return to home country medical transport.


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