How to Obtain a Marriage Certificate: Requirements and Procedure

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What is it?

A Marriage Certificate is an official document issued by the appropriate government authority that proves a couple is legally married.

Who needs it?

Any couple that is legally married, especially those needing to prove their marital status for visa applications, legal processes, or registering their marriage in another country.


  1. Gather Required Documents:

    • Both partners’ birth certificates.
    • Identification documents such as passports.
    • Proof of residence.
    • Divorce or death certificates if either party was previously married.
  2. Submit Documents for Registration:

    • For non-EU spouses marrying in Spain, submit the documents to the Civil Registry.
    • Non-European Union couples may face different procedures; it is advisable to consult with the local Civil Registry or consulate.
  3. Attend Interview (If Required):

    • In some cases, both partners may need to attend an interview at the Civil Registry.
  4. Wait for Processing:

    • Processing times can vary, especially for foreign nationals. It may take several weeks to several months.
  5. Collect Certificate:

    • Once processed, collect the marriage certificate from the Civil Registry or have it mailed to you.

Required Documents

  • Birth Certificates: Contact your place of birth’s vital records office to obtain these documents.

  • Identification Documents: Ensure your passports and national ID cards are valid and up-to-date.

  • Proof of Residence: Provide utility bills, rental agreements, or other documents as proof of your address.

  • Previous Marriage Documentation: If applicable, provide divorce decrees or death certificates of a former spouse.

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • For Spousal Visas: If the marriage involves a spouse from outside the EU, additional documentation such as proof of income and health insurance might be required.

  • Legal Translation and Apostille: For foreign marriage certificates, ensure you get a legal translation and Apostille if required when registering in Spain.

  • Processing Time and Patience: The entire process can be time-consuming, and patience is necessary. Some users report delays at various steps such as waiting for documents from another country or legalizations.


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