Guide to Model 130: Quarterly Tax Form for Spain's Self-Employed

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What is it?

Model 130 is a quarterly tax form in Spain for self-employed individuals and small business owners to declare their income and calculate their payment of personal income tax. It’s a necessary procedure to ensure compliance with the Spanish tax regulations.

Who needs it?

Self-employed individuals (autonomos) and small business owners in Spain who earn income from their business activities need to complete and submit Model 130.


  1. Gather Necessary Information: Before starting, collect all relevant invoices and documents related to your income and expenses for the quarter.

  2. Access the Model 130 Form: Obtain the form from the Spanish Tax Agency (Agencia Tributaria) website. You can download the form directly from their official site .

  3. Fill in Personal Information: Enter your personal details including your full name, address, and NIF (Número de Identificación Fiscal).

  4. Enter Income Information: Log the total income earned in the respective quarter. This should include all invoiced amounts.

  5. Deduct Expenses: Subtract your business expenses from your income. These can include costs related to operational activities, equipment, utilities, etc.

  6. Calculate Taxable Income: The resulting figure after deducting expenses from income is your taxable income for the quarter.

  7. Apply Deductions: If eligible, apply any specific deductions that you qualify for based on Spanish tax laws.

  8. Calculate Tax Due: Determine the tax amount you owe by applying the relevant tax rate to your taxable income. Spain usually applies a progressive tax rate, so confirm the rate applicable to your income bracket.

  9. Submit the Form: You can submit the filled form online via the Agencia Tributaria website or submit it physically at the local tax office.

  10. Make Payment: Ensure you pay any tax due by the deadline to avoid penalties. Payments can typically be made through bank transfers or direct debit.

Required Documents

  • Invoices: Detailed invoices of all income earned during the quarter.
  • Expense Receipts: Receipts of all business-related expenses.
  • Previous Tax Returns: Copies of previous Model 130 submissions if applicable.
  • Bank Statements: Statements showing payments received and expenses paid.

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • Failing to submit Model 130 can result in fines and interest on unpaid taxes.
  • The form must be submitted every quarter, typically by the 20th of the month following the end of the quarter (April 20th, July 20th, October 20th, and January 20th).
  • Maintaining organized records throughout the year can simplify the process of completing Model 130.


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