Understanding Spain's Model 210 Non-Resident Tax Form

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What is it?

Model 210 is the Spanish tax form required for non-residents who earn income from Spanish sources. This includes rental income, capital gains, and other taxable income. It ensures that non-residents meet their tax obligations in Spain, avoiding penalties and legal issues.

Who needs it?

Non-residents who have income from Spanish sources such as rental properties, investments, or capital gains need to file Model 210. Ideal clients include expatriates, foreign property owners, and international investors.


  1. Determine if you have income from Spanish sources, such as rental income or capital gains.
  2. Gather all necessary documents including property contracts, rental agreements, and financial statements.
  3. Fill out the Model 210 form, either digitally on the Agencia Tributaria website or on paper.
  4. Calculate the tax due based on your specific type of income and applicable tax rate.
  5. Submit the completed form and pay any tax due by the designated deadline to avoid penalties.

Required documents

  • Property contracts and rental agreements: Obtain from property managers or real estate agents.
  • Financial statements: Source from your bank or financial advisor.
  • Proof of income documentation: Includes payslips, dividend statements, or sales receipts for capital gains.

Providers that can do it for you

AutoDeclaroautodeclaro.es5 minutesfrom 35€

Additional details

  • Non-resident taxpayers must file the form quarterly or annually depending on their type of income.
  • Failure to file can result in penalties including fines and interest charges.
  • The tax rate for non-residents may differ from that of residents, and varies based on the type of income.


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