Guide to Model 390: Essential for Foreigners in Spain (NIE)

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What is it?

Model 390 is a necessary administrative document in Spain, used primarily when dealing with the payment and regularization of the NIE (Número de Identificación de Extranjero). This form, officially known as Modelo 790 Código 012, is essential for foreigners who need to pay certain fees for their residence permits or other legal paperwork while residing or staying in Spain.

Who needs it?

Individuals who need to pay fees associated with their NIE or other legal paperwork required by Spanish administration. Typically, this applies to foreigners living in Spain who need to regularize their status or handle specific legal transactions that require the NIE.


  1. Download the Model 390 Form: Start by downloading the Modelo 790 Código 012 form from the official website of the Spanish public administration.
  2. Fill Out the Form: Accurately complete the form with all required personal and professional information.
  3. Calculate the Fee: Confirm the specific fee amount for the service you are paying for, as fees can vary.
  4. Payment: Make the payment at a recognized bank. Ensure the bank provides you with a stamped copy of the form as proof of payment.
  5. Submission: Submit the stamped copy of the form to the relevant Spanish administrative office to complete the process.

Required Documents

  • Completed Modelo 790 Código 012 Form: This is the main document you need to fill out and submit.
  • Valid Passport or ID: Proof of identity is required to complete the form successfully.
  • Proof of Payment: Once you’ve paid the fee, keep the stamped copy of the form provided by the bank.

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • Ensure that all information provided is accurate to avoid any delays or complications in the process.
  • Banks in Spain are typically aware of this process and can assist you if you have questions regarding the payment process.
  • For any additional queries or complexities, it is advisable to consult with a local legal advisor or the relevant administrative office.


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