Complete Guide to Obtaining Your NIE in Spain: Steps & Tips

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What is it?

The NIE (Número de Identificación de Extranjero) is an identification number for foreigners in Spain. It serves as your identification for many procedures while you’re in the country, for example, opening a bank account or signing any type of contract.

Who needs it?

Any foreigner who plans to live in Spain for more than three months, or for professional, economic, or social reasons.


  1. Book an appointment at the local police station in Spain. This can be done online .
  2. Fill out the EX-15 form which can be downloaded here .
  3. Pay the NIE fee at any Spanish bank using the 790 Tax form. The 790 Tax form can be found here .
  4. Attend your appointment at the police station with all necessary documents.

Required Documents

  • EX-15 form completely filled out
  • Original passport and photocopy
  • Two passport size photos
  • Proof of the fee payment
  • Proof of legal entrance in Spain
  • Documentation proving the reason you’re requesting a NIE (job contract, property purchase contract etc)

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

Please take into account that the validity of NIE numbers doesn’t expire, but the NIE certificates (the piece of paper you get at the police station) does expire, and you might be asked to present an up-to-date one, so we recommend that, if you are using it regularly, that you renew it every three months.

The NIE itself is free, but there is a “Tasa 012” fee (currently €12) for issuing the certificate. After you’ve completed the form, you’ll need to print it, and take it to a bank to pay the fee, and have the form stamped. You then take this form to your appointment.


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