Step-by-Step Guide to Obtain a Non-Resident Certificate in Spain

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What is it?

The non-resident certificate is a document that certifies an individual’s non-residential status in a country. This certification is often required for various administrative or banking processes, such as opening a non-resident bank account.

Who needs it?

Any individual who cannot or does not intend to establish residency in Spain but requires an official document to certify their non-resident status for legal, financial, or administrative purposes.


  1. Obtain a White NIE: If you haven’t already, you need to obtain a Número de Identidad de Extranjero (NIE), which can be applied for at Spanish consulates.

  2. Book an Appointment at Your Local Police Station: Visit the national police website and book an appointment at your local station in Spain.

  3. Attend the Appointment: Attend your appointment with all the required documents, which include:

    • Valid passport.
    • Completed EX-15 form (application for NIE).
    • Proof of the reason for your request, like a property purchase or banking requirement.
  4. Pay the Fee: Pay the fee for the issuance of the non-resident certificate. This can often be completed at a designated bank.

  5. Submit Your Documents: Present the paid fee receipt and all documents at your local police station to finalize the process.

Required Documents

  • Valid Passport: Original and a copy.
  • NIE Application Form (EX-15): Completed form which can be found here .
  • Proof of Appointment Booking: Confirmation of your cita previa.
  • Justification for Request: Document justifying the need for a non-resident certificate (e.g., a letter from your bank).
  • Payment Receipt for Fee: Proof of payment for the administrative fee.

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • For those moving to Spain from countries like Germany, make sure to cancel any existing non-resident services in Germany if required.
  • If you are applying for a non-resident certificate to open a bank account, ensure you have all necessary bank-related documents to avoid delays.
  • Non-EU spouses who need this certification to relate their empadronamiento or other residency documents can also follow these steps, but may additionally require marriage certificates or other relation proofs.


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