Guide to Obtaining a NIE in Spain: Requirements and Procedure

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What is it?

A registration card in Spain (often referred to as a NIE - Número de Identidad de Extranjero) is a document that non-Spaniards need to conduct various legal and fiscal activities in Spain, such as opening a bank account, signing a lease, or starting employment.

Who needs it?

Non-Spanish nationals planning to stay in Spain for more than 3 months, study, work, or conduct economic activities. This includes EU and non-EU citizens.


  1. Make an appointment: Visit the official Spanish government appointment website ( ) and make an appointment at the nearest Oficina de Extranjeros or national police station.

  2. Fill out the form: Complete the Modelo EX-15 or EX-18, depending on whether you are an EU citizen (EX-18) or a non-EU citizen (EX-15). You can download it from the official website ( ).

  3. Prepare your documents: Gather all required documentation (see list below).

  4. Attend the appointment: Bring all your completed forms and required documents to your appointment. Be prepared to explain why you need a NIE.

  5. Pay the fee: You may need to pay a fee for the issuance of the NIE. Check online or at the appointment for the exact amount and how to pay it.

  6. Collect the NIE: In some cases, you will receive your NIE on the spot, but it can also take a few days to weeks. Ensure you inquire about the processing time during your appointment.

Required Documents

  • Passport: Your original passport and a copy of the photo page.
  • Completed Application Form: Modelo EX-15 or EX-18, depending on your nationality.
  • Proof of Address: A rental contract or a utility bill showing your address in Spain.
  • Proof of Appointment: Confirmation of your online appointment.
  • Social Security Number: If applying for a TIE (Tarjeta de Identificación de Extranjero) for work purposes, you may need to include it.
  • Photographs: Recent passport-sized photos (check the exact number needed as per local office instructions).
  • Payment Proof: Proof of payment of the NIE issuance fee (use Modelo 790 - .

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • Additional Help: Some regions in Spain might have variations in the process. Ensure you check local requirements.
  • Renewing your NIE: The renewal process might differ slightly but generally follows a similar procedure.
  • Driving in Spain: If you plan to register your foreign car in Spain, ensure you follow the specific registration steps distinct from getting your NIE. Always keep your registration card updated to avoid any legal issues.


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