Guide to Retirement Pension in Spain: Eligibility and Application

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What is it?

A retirement pension in Spain is a scheme by which workers can provide for themselves once they stop working due to reaching retirement age or due to disability.

Who needs it?

This service is ideal for individuals who have been working in Spain and are planning to retire, including expats and digital nomads.


  1. Determine Eligibility: To be eligible for a retirement pension in Spain, you must be at least 66 years old (or 65 if you have contributed for at least 38.5 years). The age is gradually increasing up to 67 by 2027.

  2. Obtain Employment History: Get a copy of your work life report “Vida Laboral” as a proof of your contribution to the social security.

  3. Apply at the INSS: Apply for your pension at a local office of the Instituto Nacional de la Seguridad Social – INSS website .

  4. Submit Required Documents: Present your identity document and your social security affiliation number (TA1 form), along with other relevant documents specified at application.

  5. Await Decision: The INSS will review your application and inform you of the decision.

Required Documents

The documents needed typically include:

  • ID document (DNI for Spaniards, NIE for foreigners, or passport)
  • Social security affiliation number (TA1 form)
  • A copy of your work life report or “Vida Laboral”

You may obtain your work life report through the social security website .

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

Spanish pension system is based on a contributory worker-pay-as-you-go model, so the size of your retirement pension will be contingent on the number of years you have contributed to social security and the amount you have earned. You may want to explore other investment or savings options to supplement your pension income. Consult a financial advisor or use online finance tools to make a detailed retirement plan.


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